Monday, April 23, 2012

Backwards post


between the two animals. I'd rather just write these blogs.
between snails and worms, but not everyone(like me) wants to spend their life finding the differences
without the stupid ugly shell over them just fine. Well, I am sure that there are more differences
Snails are kinda just like worms with shells. They are kinda of wimpy. I mean worms can survive
I have. But snails are always made fun of on TV shows. Poor snails. Then again, they are ugly.
goodbye. Anywho, today's special is about snails. They are so slow. Have you ever noticed that?
This is my backwards post. Read the bottom line first then the one above. That's why this post started with

Friday, February 3, 2012


Hey viewers!
Today's topic is sneezing. Sneezing is the funniest thing when you think about it. The person is like shooting mucus (well that part is gross) out their nose at like a hundred miles an hour and making this really weird noise. I mean how funny is that?  Plus, I for some reason always say the word sneeze while I am sneezing. It is very strange. So next time someone sneezes, do me a favor and laugh really hard. When they ask you why you're laughing just say

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Hold on to your Hats!!!!!!!!!

From the creators of umbrellakid13, the ipad, and the spork (well, i wish i created the ipad and the spork) comes an all new blog! Get the scoop on the latest fashions, movies, tv shows, apps and more. It is called style is an understatement. So visit! Oh btw, guess what I got. Umbrella socks! so cool right.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

I heart the Amanda Show!

Hey fans!

Today, I would like to talk about one of the best shows ever! That's right: The Amanda Show! I love judge Trudy and the dancing lobsters. "Court dismissed. Bring in the dancing lobsters." I love that!  "The A-manda manda manda manda manda Show!!!" Best theme song ever. Wouldn't it be fun to have a show like that with cool sketches and just going onstage and have people laugh at your silly antics? I can see it now. The um-brella brella brella brella brella show! That would be so cool!
K. See yah. I have to go rearrange my dog!(Amanda said that on the amanda show once.)

Saturday, December 3, 2011

The club!

Hey Hey Hey!
Sorry I havent posted in awhile. I have benn busy. Anywho, I need people to be in the best club in the whole entire world! It's the U.K.1.3.F.C.A.A.W.B.O.O R.L. That stands for umbrella kid13 fan club and a whole bunch of other random letters! I need a president, vp, director of umbrella relations, and kebob manager. Here are the things each member is in charge of.
President- comment on all my blogs, be my biggest fan, and tell everyone you know about my blog
VP- view my blog every day and tell your friends!
Director of umbrella relations- keep the umbrellas under control. They can get a little wild. Especially Sarah. She plays with sharp sticks
Kebob manager- keeps these at hand at all time and keep them away from sarah!
Please relay by posting a comment with your screenname and the position you want.
KK. C ya!

Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy thanksgiving!

Hello Internet!
If you live in America, which is not true for all of you because I have an audience in Germany, then happy thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. Except, I am sure that turkeys do not. I bet the remaining ones that were not eaten today are plotting revenge on us as we speak. What do you think they will do to us? Well, they can't fly, so do not worry about any attacks from the sky.  But, they can probably hurt us pretty badly with their pointy beaks. So be on the look out for a turkey attack. They could pop up at any moment. Although they are probably not that fast. Anyway, have a happy thanksgiving! Watch football, have fun with your family, and eat like there is no tomorrowow. (But, just keep in mind that there really is a tomorrow, and you don't want to be feeling sick when you are at the black Friday sales. Oh and go easy on the left overs tomorrow,too.)

Happy holidays!