Thursday, November 24, 2011

Happy thanksgiving!

Hello Internet!
If you live in America, which is not true for all of you because I have an audience in Germany, then happy thanksgiving. I love Thanksgiving. Except, I am sure that turkeys do not. I bet the remaining ones that were not eaten today are plotting revenge on us as we speak. What do you think they will do to us? Well, they can't fly, so do not worry about any attacks from the sky.  But, they can probably hurt us pretty badly with their pointy beaks. So be on the look out for a turkey attack. They could pop up at any moment. Although they are probably not that fast. Anyway, have a happy thanksgiving! Watch football, have fun with your family, and eat like there is no tomorrowow. (But, just keep in mind that there really is a tomorrow, and you don't want to be feeling sick when you are at the black Friday sales. Oh and go easy on the left overs tomorrow,too.)

Happy holidays!

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