Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Hello adoring fans! (I have probably have like 9 now. Sweet!)
Anywho, I'm going to answer some fan mail today. Puffycloud008 asks why is your name umbrellakid13? Well, that is a great question, puffycloud008. Its very complicated but, as you can see by my previous posts, I have an obsession with umbrellas. If I ever become famous for these blogs and somehow make lots of money, I will buy a big house and have a room just for fancy umbrellas with cool floral print patterns. Then I will sit in there all day, and stare at them. I like the number 13 because it is so neglected.Okay next question. Royalthumbtack asks Do you eat lotion. That is a weird question, royalthumbtack. Why no, I do not eat lotion. Do you? You know what, I don't want to know. I have some weird fans.
Kk. Bii!

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